
Dublin teens on studying Leaving Cert Applied

For many teens, the Leaving Cert culminates in end of year exams following months of study but for Leaving Cert Applied students the emphasis is on continuous assessment over two years.

The Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) programme is a two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life and is split into four half-year sessions.

RTÉ News spoke to students studying the LCA at Our Lady of Mercy Secondary School in Drimnagh, Dublin, where they explained why the programme was the best choice for them.

17-year-old Saoirse Kerfoot is in fifth-year LCA.

“Throughout the whole of my Junior Cert and TY, I struggled with my mental health. So, it was a lot, for me, to go into an LCA programme to reduce that stress,” she said.

For 19-year-old Brooke Teeling, who is in sixth-year LCA, the programme has helped her gain confidence.

“It suited my way of learning better. I learn hands on, you know, as we’re doing cooking or doing art and public speaking as well,” she said.

19-year-old Barry McCann is in sixth-year LCA, where he has been introduced to subjects he would not have considered before.

“I got introduced to Hotel and Catering. When I first started it, I was very nervous. I’m a very good cook now and a very good baker. I’d say my best dish, if I had to say, is lasagne,” he said.

Watch our video to hear more from Saoirse, Barry and Brooke as they explain why the Leaving Cert Applied programme was the best move for them.

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