
Charity publishes signs of burnout to raise awareness

Five signs of burnout have been published to raise awareness of the issue and encourage people to prioritise self-care.

The charity turn2me which offers adult counselling and peer support services has said that it is crucial to recognise the signs of burnout before it escalates.

The first sign is Persistent Exhaustion

Being constantly tired despite getting an adequate amount of sleep can be a sign of burnout according to the charity.

The exhaustion often goes beyond physical fatigue and seeps into emotional and mental realms, making even simple tasks feel overwhelming.

The second sign is Cynicism and Detachment

Burnout can manifest as a negative outlook on work, life, and even personal relationships.

turn2me says if people find themselves becoming increasingly cynical, detached, or emotionally withdrawn, it may be a red flag.

The third sign is Decreased Productivity and Performance

A decline in performance at work or in other areas of life can be a key indicator.

Despite putting in the effort, individuals experiencing burnout may struggle to concentrate, make decisions, or complete tasks to their usual standard.

The fourth sign is Increased Irritability

Heightened levels of irritability, impatience, or frustration can be common symptoms.

Small inconveniences or setbacks that would typically be shrugged off may trigger strong emotional reactions in those experiencing burnout.

The fifth sign is physical

Burnout does not just affect mental and emotional well-being.

Headaches, muscle tension, gastrointestinal issues, and a weakened immune system may all be signs of burnout.

turn2me has said that recognition of these warning signs is the first step toward addressing burnout and prioritising self-care.

The charity has emphasised that people should seek support from friends, family, or professionals and take proactive steps to manage stress levels and restore balance in life.

CEO Fiona O’Malley said it had become an increasingly prevalent issue, affecting people across various industries.

“As advocates for mental well-being, turn2me believes it’s crucial to recognise the signs of burnout before it escalates, which is why we’ve published these five warning signs that shouldn’t be ignored,” she said.

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