
Around 100 people attend march calling for No vote

Around 100 people marched in Dublin city centre today calling for a no vote in the upcoming referendum on care in the home.

The march, which was organised by the group The Countess, began at the Garden of Remembrance and made its way to Merrion Square.

A number of people, including Senator Sharon Keogan and the group’s founder Laoise De Brún, were due to speak at the event.

The Countess was established in 2020 and describes itself as a non-profit, volunteer-led organisation.

It claims that removing article 41.2 from the Constitution will “remove a right that mothers might rely upon”.

Founder of The Countess Laoise De Brún previously called the proposed change a “narcissistic assault on the foundational legal text of this State and a grave insult to Irish women”.

On 8 March the Irish public will vote on two proposed changes to the Constitution.

One of the changes is on care in the home, which is what today’s protest focused on.

It will ask voters whether or not to delete Article 41.2 which says the State recognises that “by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved” and that “the State shall endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in economic activity to the neglect of duties in the home”.

The other question will be on the definition of family.

It will ask voters whether or not to change Article 41.1 which recognises the family “as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of society” to insert “family – whether founded on marriage or other durable relationships.”

This would also alter Article 41.3 which says “the State pledges itself to guard with special care the institution of marriage” to remove the following part: “on which the family is founded.”

Earlier this week, Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman said a yes vote in the vote on care in the home will strengthen his hand in securing funding for disability services and carers in the next budget.

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