
Appeal for people to consider ‘life-changing’ foster care

The Irish Foster Care Association is appealing to people to consider opening their homes to provide assistance to vulnerable young people in need of support.

The organisation is holding a week of events to acknowledge the important role carers offer to thousands of children around the country.

It said they can be like a “circuit breaker” in the life of a child who is experiencing adversity, providing them with the opportunity to have a safe and nurturing environment.

Fostering is overseen by the child and family agency Tusla, with placements facilitated by a number of partner organisations.

In Westport, Co Mayo, Eithne and Ronan Larkin have offered long and short-term foster care for more than 20 years.

In that time, they have experienced the highs and lows familiar to all families, but they are in no doubt about the benefits such support brings to children experiencing difficulties.

Ronan said foster care has been ‘life-changing’ for he and his wife

Ms Larkin said: “A good, stable foster home can absolutely repair the weak foundations a child may have.

“And children who grows up in a good, stable foster home can go on to live a very fulfilling life.

“I don’t think there is anything else you can do that you can impact somebody’s life so much… actually give a child an opportunity is just incredible, and no matter how long or how short [a time] they’re with you, that space in your home impacts them positively.”

She recalled how three boys who were placed in her care had grown from small children to big men over the last 20 years.

Now adults in their twenties, Ben, Alex and Adrian have developed an inseparable bond as a result of the time they have spent together.

Mr Larkin is encouraging anyone who has considered fostering to investigate the options.

He said that while it might not suit everyone, it is worth examining the potential to affect real change in the lives of vulnerable young people.

Mr Larkin said the experience he and his wife have enjoyed over the last two decades has been “life-changing”.

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