
Aontú accuse Govt of being ‘threat’ to Irish security

The Aontú party launched its local and European election campaign, with party leader Peadar Tóibín accusing the Government of being a threat to Ireland’s security.

During today’s launch, Deputy Tóibín insisted that Ireland’s Triple Lock must remain in place.

Under the triple lock system, more than 12 Irish troops cannot be deployed without the approval of the Government, Dáil and United Nations.

He also accused the Government of underfunding the Defence Forces and National Cyber Security Centre.

A total of 66 candidates will contest the local elections for Aontú, along with four candidates seeking a seat in the European Parliament.

The party also has one candidate hoping to become Limerick’s first directly elected mayor.

“There is an incredible level of anger currently at the doors”, Deputy Tóibín told reporters. He said that Aontú was the real “party of change”.

He cited housing, inward migration and defence as some of the issues central to Aontú’s election campaign.

The party is fielding a record number of candidates and Deputy Tóibín insisted that Aontú is poised to have a “good election”.

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