
Anything to be said for September by-elections?

Those days in September when the schools reopen and the sun inevitably and infuriatingly shines.

Could they now set the backdrop for a series of by-elections created by the election of TDs to the European Parliament?

When the appointment of the next European Commissioner is included, the number of by-elections could rise to five.

There are some in the Government who believe that September would be an optimum time to face the electorate again.

The logic stems from the fact that the two biggest Government parties are in good shape to contest these elections given the solid showing in the local and European votes.

Plus, the days at the time of year would be fairly lengthy and warm allowing canvassing to continue late into the evening.

While governments lose far more by-elections than they win, there is nonetheless a feeling based on the weekend results, that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael would be competitive and could potentially win at least two of the five seats.

That would leave the overall Dáil arithmetic unchanged and the general election would not then take place until next March.

This theory comes with a warning though.

That is the fact that while thoughts are turning in this direction for some, it has not been discussed by the Government party leaders.

Indeed, some within the coalition ranks tonight are not at all keen on the idea and believe the proposal lacks basic political wisdom.

That could ultimately reduce this idea to nothing more than a fleeting thought by some strategists and politicians giddy after a decent election showing.

If there is one thing certain after the voting transfer patterns of the last few days, it is this, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil need each other more than ever before.

So, this Government cannot collapse in either a bitter or a contrived row.

Consensus will then be needed to plot the next steps.

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