
AI Advisory Council holds first meeting

The Government’s AI Advisory Council met for the first time today.

The group was established to provide independent expert advice to the Government on artificial intelligence policy, with a specific focus on building public trust and promoting the development of trustworthy, person-centred AI.

Its first role will be providing expert guidance, insights and recommendations in response to specific requests from the Government.

Its second role will be developing and delivering its own workplan of advice on issues in artificial intelligence policy.

The members of the AI Advisory Council come from academia, business, law, security, social sciences, economics, and civil society and were appointed by the Government following a call for expressions of interest.

Members serve in a voluntary capacity and the council will meet a minimum of three times a year.

“My ambition is that we become a leading country in using AI to the benefit of our people, through a human centred and ethical approach to AI adoption and use,” said Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation Dara Calleary.

“We have the building blocks in place in our National AI Strategy.”

“The AI Advisory Council will support the delivery of this as an agile sounding board for Government on harnessing these rapidly developing technologies for the common good,” Mr Calleary said.

Dr Patricia Scanlon became Ireland’s AI Ambassador in 2022 and has volunteered to chair the AI Advisory Council.

“I look forward to leading the AI Advisory Council in providing timely, impactful recommendations and advice to Government,” Dr Scanlon said.

“The members of the council come from a range of backgrounds. Their collective insights will be hugely useful, both in helping to demystify AI technology and in providing early foresight of emerging trends, challenges, risks and opportunities,” she added.

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