
Referendum poster a ‘factual misrepresentation’

The Electoral Commission has determined that a referendum poster being erected on behalf of the Independent Senator Sharon Keogan contains what is termed a “factual misrepresentation”.

The poster in question urges people to vote No this Friday, stating: “Don’t force mothers out to work.”

In a statement, the chairwoman of the Electoral Commission said there is nothing in either of the referendum proposals that would force women to either stay at home or go out to work.

“To suggest otherwise is a factual misrepresentation of the existing text or the two proposals,” according to Ms Justice Marie Baker.

“As we enter the final days of these Referendums campaigns An Coimisiún Toghcháin will continue to provide clear factual information for voters,” she added.

This Friday the electorate will vote on the 39th and 40th amendments to the constitution.

One of the referendums is on the definition of family, while the other relates to care in the home.

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