
Child ‘vacations’ to Russia must be resisted

The Taoiseach has told an international peace summit on Ukraine that the world should be appalled by a report of Ukrainian children being interrogated, electrocuted and tortured after being abducted into Russia.

Simon Harris was speaking at a session that heard 20,000 Ukrainian children have been abducted into Russia since the invasion of Ukraine started in 2022.

The Ombudsman for Ukraine report details some of the horrors the children have faced and said if Ukraine was to free one citizen a day it would take 55-years to get all of their children home.

The Taoiseach said the world cannot allow this to go unchecked and reports of Russia’s plans for more so-called child “vacations” this summer must be resisted.

Yesterday, Mr Harris described Russia’s forced displacement of thousands of Ukrainian children as “morally repugnant”.

Western powers and other nations are seeking a consensus on the second day of the summit in Switzerland on condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and underscoring the war’s human cost.

More than 90 countries, including Ireland, are taking part, but China’s decision to stay away dimmed hopes that the summit would show Russia was globally isolated, while recent military reverses have put Ukraaine on the back foot.

Some leaders have departed early, and talks today will turn towards pursuing a joint position on the need for nuclear and food security, and the return of prisoners of war and children removed from Ukraine during the conflict.

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