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Home / News / Irish Ambassador reprimanded over Palestine recognition

Irish Ambassador reprimanded over Palestine recognition

Irish Ambassador to Israel Sonya McGuinness was summoned to the Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry in Jerusalem today and reprimanded over Ireland’s decision to recognise the State of Palestine.

The ambassadors of Spain and Norway attended the same meeting for the same reason.

Before any discussions, they were shown a previously unaired video of Hamas taking female army conscripts captive on 7 October last year.

It is understood the Irish Government was disappointed at this, on the basis that it fell below the established procedures and practices regarding diplomatic engagement.

What is believed to have been a “forthright exchange of views” then took place at the meeting between both sides.

Despite speculation in the media, Israeli officials did not announce that any restrictions would be placed on the Irish, Spanish and Norwegian diplomatic missions.

After the diplomatic demarche, an Israeli government spokesperson asserted that: “A recognition of a Palestinian state does not promote peace. It perpetuates war.”

Meanwhile, preparations are continuing in Dublin for the formal announcement of the recognition of the State of Palestine next Tuesday.

It is understood that Cabinet will consider a memorandum at its morning meeting; a Dáil debate could take place that afternoon; and the Palestinian flag will fly beside the Ukrainian standard on the Merrion Square side of Leinster House.

Meanwhile, Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz has taken to social media to criticise Ireland’s decision to recognise the State of Palestine, writing to Taoiseach Simon Harris that “Hamas thanks you for your service”.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Mr Katz said: “Ireland, if your goal was to reward terrorism by declaring support for a Palestinian state, you’ve achieved it.

“Simon Harris TD, Hamas thanks you for your service.”

The post includes a 19-second video which opens with a picture of the Irish tricolour and is sound-tracked by Irish traditional music.

The footage – captioned “Hamas: Thanks Ireland” – shows footage of the Palestinian militant groups 7 October attack on Israel interspersed with Irish dancing.

The war, triggered by an 7 October cross-border killing and kidnapping spree by Hamas gunmen, has stoked West Bank violence and further dampened any Israeli interest in peace diplomacy.

Taoiseach Simon Harris has told the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, which controls parts of the West Bank, that Ireland’s recognition of Palestine was to keep the hopes of a two-state solution to the conflict with Israel alive.

“If Israel has learned anything in recent months, it is that our children deserve a better, safer future – not the resurrection of old, failed policies created by blindsided back-seat drivers abroad,” Israeli government spokesperson Avi Hyman said.

“A recognition of a Palestinian state does not promote peace. It perpetuates war,” he told reporters.

“Any kind of so-called solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that compromises Israel’s security does not mean peace. There will be zero compromise on our security.”

Additional reporting Reuters

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